Finally! My app is ready for preview
It’s hard going when you can only do it in your spare time. Much harder than I originally anticipated.
Perhaps somewhat ironically, it’s the kind of thing my app could have helped with :-)
My app is called Zelik.
Zelik is a tool for opportunistic project-management.
Most project-management methodologies require [timeboxing](, in one form or another.
Zelik is different - it doesn't tell you what do to at a particular time; as far as Zelik is concerned, the only important time is **now**.
Zelik doesn't tell you what to do; it gives you choices.
If you tell Zelik how much time you have available, it makes suggestions as to where you can best focus your efforts.
Here is an example home screen from an early prototype:
[caption id=”attachment_821” align=”alignnone” width=”300”] Zelik prototype - “What now?” home page[/caption]
As you can see from the screenshot, the home page (“What now?”) shows you 3 groups of items:
Up to _N_ items you have worked on _most_-recently.
Up to _N_ items you have worked on _least_-recently.
Up to _N_ items that need _refinement_. For example, items with no description, projects or task-groups that do not contain any tasks.
The end result of this is that you can enter as much or as little detail as you’d like; if you don’t have time, or are not sufficiently familiar with the subject-matter, then don’t waste time entering details. You can do that when it’s practical to do so.
I have a lot more functionality planned for Zelik, but this is a good start.
Currently, Zelik is a Windows Store app (I wanted to focus on functionality, rather than spend too much time learning an unfamiliar platform), but eventually it will be available for Web, Windows Desktop, iOS, and Android clients.
In the next couple of weeks (time permitting), I’ll start posting about Zelik’s design process, and the types of decisions I had to make (as well as their consequences).